Audio guides for cultural and industrial sites.

At Arcicom we have specialised in audio guides since 1992, developing our products for museums, temporary exhibitions, historic residences, businesses, tourist associations, etc.….

Since 2000, we have been building audio guides for use by individual visitors.

In 2004, the Arcicom research and development department designed an audiophone for guided group tours, multilingual conferences, tours in noisy environments, simultaneous translations, etc.

At Arcicom we help our clients with the economic design of the project, the acquisition and/or hiring of equipment and the designing of commentaries, as well as maintenance and updates for the devices.

The Arcicom team show enormous respect for site conservation, members of staff, historic objects and the sites’ own philosophies, and can offer tailor-made solutions involving easy-to-use devices which are also easy to maintain and manage, thus ensuring the best possible results.

What equipment should I choose for my own area of activity?

Audio commentary for groups
Arcicom can help you with the writing and recording of audio commentaries

Commentary Writing

Audio commentary translation

Recording Studio

Implementation of comments in audioguides

There are now more than 100 sites which rely on our services.